Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Lawmaker Wants City To Be Able To Boot Cars To Collect On Unpaid Debts

CBS NEWS Reports that An Illinois state senator wants to allow the city of Chicago to boot and sell cars belonging to people who owe the city money on a court judgment.

Read the Article here:   http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2013/02/26/lawmaker-wants-city-to-be-able-to-boot-cars-to-collect-on-unpaid-debts/

Since 2011, various local news agencies have reported that City and CTA employees owed the city coffers millions of dollars.  The city has aggressively gone after these scofflaws and have been making some headway.  

However, why would an Illinois State senator have any concern over city finances and collections?  Perhaps because Ira's wife is the 50th Ward Alderman?  maybe.....

Nepotism : favoritism (as in appointment to a job) based on kinship, Favoritism shown or patronage granted to relatives, as in business, favoritism shown to relatives or close friends by those with power or influence ....

Interesting ............ 

Im not against the idea,  But I am against the way this seems to be coming about.  Chicago Politics at its finest.  

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Another local Chain Downsizing means possible job loss

Leona's Property Courted by McDonald's, Dunkin' Donuts

ROGERS PARK — The building that houses Leona's Restaurant in Rogers Park is up for sale, but not anywhere near being sold or leased yet, the company's CEO said.

Read more: http://www.dnainfo.com/chicago/20130220/rogers-park/leonas-property-courted-by-mcdonalds-dunkin-donuts-but-not-gone-yet#ixzz2LSZT7bRe


It is sad to see another long time anchor business of the community go down.  Leona's has great food and yes, I am guilty of the delivery thing, I do order out (got to love grub-hub!) 

But the fact that long time companies feel the need to downsize signifies that the recovery is still a slow process and that with every job created, there will be a loss.

The 49th ward in Chicago is not immune.  We have seen a number of longtime businesses disappear and new projects (like the gateway center) not take off and stagnate.  The diverse nature of the ward makes it difficult to court any single demographic, depending where you are in the ward.  

I hope that we can keep the long time neighbor, Leona's, a part of Rogers Park.  But it takes the community to support it! - B. Wojtas

Monday, February 18, 2013

Felony Franks Owner Licenses LA Food Truck « CBS Chicago

Felony Franks Owner Licenses LA Food Truck « CBS Chicago

On the lighter side of job creation!  Chicago Style Dogs in LA!  Chicago and Evanston Alderman didnt want those 5 jobs in their district, so they took them to LA.  LA can use a good hot dog too!  yum!

Are O’Hare modernization talks ready for takeoff? - DailyHerald.com

Are O’Hare modernization talks ready for takeoff? - DailyHerald.com

Of course Job creation is always an aspect of the OMP.  Much of O'Hare and the surrounding area depend on the viability and  competitiveness of O'Hare and growth depends on modernizing the airport to change with the times, technologies and needs of the growing population on the west side of the airport. 

It is a good article from the Daily Herald, enjoy!

49th Ward Blue Cart Recycling

Community Meeting on Blue Cart Recycling Expansion to 49th Ward

Dear Neighbor,
The blue carts are coming to the 49th Ward!
Find out all you need to know about Blue Cart Recycling at a community meeting I am co-sponsoring with the City of Chicago Department of Streets and Sanitation.  The meeting will take place this Wednesday, February 20th, 7:00 p.m., at the Rogers Park Library, 6907 N. Clark (at Farwell), 2nd Floor.
We'll provide you with information about the program, including the type of material that can be recycled and your collection schedule.
I announced last week that after a long wait, the City's Blue Cart Recycling program is expanding to the 49th Ward.  Every 49th Ward household that currently receives City garbage pick-up will now participate in Blue Cart Recycling.  This means that if you live in a single family home or a two- to four-unit apartment building, your paper, bottles, cans and certain plastics will be picked up separately from your household garbage.
The City will begin dropping off the blue carts in front of homes next week and collections of recyclables will begin March 11th or March 18th, depending on the location in the ward.
For the program to succeed, it is very important to get the word out.  I am working with the City to identify volunteer "Recycling Block Captains" in the 49th Ward to help spread the word about the recycling program to their neighbors, answer questions, and provide feedback to my office and the City about how the program is working in their area.  The Block Captains will be provided materials to help promote the program, including yard signs and door hangers.
If you would like to volunteer to be a Recycling Block Captain in your area, please reply to this email or call my 49th Ward Service Office at 773-338-5796.
If you live in an apartment building larger than four units in size, your waste is collected by a private waste hauler and you are not eligible to participate in the Blue Cart program.  However, you should know that all rental and condominium buildings that receive private refuse collection are required by law to offer recycling to their residents
If your building does not offer recycling collection, please advise your landlord or condominium association of their obligation under the law.  If you still have trouble convincing your landlord or association to offer recycling, please contact my office at ward49@cityofchciago.org or 773-338-5796.
For those who do not receive recycling pick-up or who wish to bring their recyclables to a drop-off center, the 49th Ward Streets and Sanitation Yard at 6441 N. Ravenswood (behind the police station on Clark Street) will continue to provide large dumpsters into which you can drop off your recyclables at any time.
I'm thrilled the blue carts are coming to the 49th Ward and knowing our neighborhood's commitment to the environment and sustainability, I have no doubt we will have enjoy of the highest success rates in the City!
Joe Moore

The Reform Party Principals (part 2)

(part 2)

Create a new tax system:
  • It must be fair.
  • It must be paper less.
  • It must raise the money to pay the bills.
  • Require that any future tax increases under this new system be approved by the people in the next federal election, in order to impose discipline on spending.

Carefully putting together plans to deal with Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security:
  • Explain these plans in detail to the American people.
  • Get a consensus.
  • Pilot test each of these programs before implementing them nationwide to make sure they produce the anticipated results at the anticipated cost.
  • Keep these programs dynamic, so they can be changed based on experience - don't freeze them with restrictive legislation.

Promoting jobs in the USA:
  • Negotiate trade agreements that promote American jobs, consumer safety, environmental protection, and fair trade.
  • Create a business environment that supports small business, which accounts for roughly 80 percent of jobs held by Americans today. Trade agreements, tax reform, health care reform, and other programs must reflect the needs of small business.
Lobbying Reform:
  • Prohibit former elected and appointed officials from ever taking money from foreign governments or foreign interests.
  • Prohibit any former high level federal employees - including elected officials - from ever working as a foreign lobbyist.
  • Allow foreign governments to provide information to our government through the State and Commerce Departments and the Executive Branch, but prohibit them from giving contributions or gifts of any kind.
  • Allow foreign representatives to visit with Members of Congress, but under no circumstances allow them to give elected officials anything now or later.
  • Prohibit any former high level federal employees - including elected officials - from working as a domestic lobbyist for five years after leaving government service in the area for which they served.
  • Limit domestic lobbying to presenting client's ideas to the Legislative and Executive Branches
  • Prohibit domestic lobbyists from giving money, trips or other incentives to current or former members of the Legislative and Executive Branches.

The Reform Party Principals (Part 1)

The Reform Party Principals (part 1)

Set the highest ethical standards for the White House and Congress:
  • No more gifts.
  • No more trips or junkets paid for by special interests.
  • No more free meals.
  • Pass laws with significant penalties - not rules.
  • Give Congress and the White House the same retirement plans and health care as the average citizen.  

Balance the Budget:
  • Develop a detailed blueprint to balance the budget.
  • Eliminate the practice of keeping some programs off-budget.
  • Pass the Balanced Budget Amendment.
  • Create an annual financial report in plain language so the American people will know whether or not we are following the plan to balance the budget.
  • Give the President the Line Item Veto. 

Campaign Reform:
  • Reduce the cost of campaigns by shortening the election cycle.
  • Vote on Saturdays and Sundays - not Tuesdays - so working people can get to the polls.
  • Replace the Electoral College process for electing the President with a direct vote from the citizens - so that every vote counts.
  • Prohibit announcements of exit polls until all voting has been completed in Hawaii.
  • Require Members of Congress to raise all money from voters in their districts, and require members of the Senate to raise all money from voters within their States. 

Term Limits:
  • Limit Members of Congress to three terms in the House of Representatives and limit Senators to two terms in the Senate.
More to come Later...