Monday, November 4, 2013

Reform Party Statement on America’s Fiscal and Economic Health

This statement was released by the Reform Party of North Carolina:

Barack Obama’s approval rating is at an all-time low. Congressional job approval is currently a dismal 8.9 percent. These numbers symbolize America’s growing frustration with their government officials, and the culture on Capitol Hill.

Over the past thirteen years the Republicans and Democrats have taken turns running and mismanaging the country. Their actions have damaged the country’s economy, fiscal future, and general wellbeing. These three items took the United States generations to build, and have been damaged to an extent that it will take decades for them to recover.

In 2000 Republican George Bush took office. At that time the country was at peace, the economy was in an upswing, and the government budget was balanced. Prior to Bush taking office the government had a debt worth 5.6 trillion dollars and it was shrinking.

When Bush left, eight years later, the country was in two wars. The debt had risen to over ten trillion dollars, and the economy had been thrown in to a recession.

In 2008 Barack Obama took over as president. During the first year of his presidency the Democrats had a veto proof majority in the Senate and a large majority in the House of Representatives. His first two major legislative victories were the creation of a giant spending project that cost the country trillions of dollars, and the passage of a heath care act that was poorly executed.
By the end of his first term in 2012, the Democrats raised the national debt to 16 trillion dollars. Due to poor economic policy, and the expansion of free trade, trade deficits have risen dramatically. These trade deficits, along with poor handling of the economy, contribute to a prolonged economic recovery.

The Reform Party wishes to address the problems related to America’s fiscal health, economy and wellbeing. The party believes that its solutions lay the best course for the America’s future.
Through trade deals such as NAFTA, CAFTA and the WTO the Democrats and Republicans have expanded free trade. Since the start of free trade agreements with NAFTA in 1992, America’s trade deficit rose from 39.2 billion dollars to 559.8 billion in 2011, or an increase of over 1428 percent. The increase in this deficit was caused by the outsourcing of jobs, and the exploitation of unregulated environments and labor overseas.

The Reform Party proposes that trade agreements be reformed in ways that end free trade, and bring jobs back to the United States. The party believes that new trade deals should benefit both the United States and its trading partners. No one side of a trade deal should reap all rewards.
The Reform Party wishes to reform American tax law. The current tax code consists of over a million words and over 3,450 pages. The tax code contains numerous problems including, but not limited to, loopholes that favor some over others, and unnecessary provisions.

The party wishes to put together a simple, easy to follow tax code with few loopholes. This tax code would be revenue neutral and not benefit one person or corporation over another.

The United States has a patchwork regulatory system. Years of mismanagement have left some sectors of the economy over regulated and other sectors poorly regulated. The Reform Party wishes to make a line by line review of all existing regulation. During this review, the Reform Party will propose legislation to regulate what needs more regulating, and cut regulations that need to be cut.

Government spending has run ramped. In 2013 the country faces a deficit of 680 billion dollars. This deficit will feed a debt of over 17 trillion dollars. The Reform Party proposes cutting spending by reigning in social safety programs, reorganizing departments and agencies, reducing waste in the defense budget, reducing fraud, improving government accounting systems and cutting unnecessary programs. This spending reform would be the largest in history.

Once America’s spending is cut to a manageable level, the Reform Party will work to create a balance budget amendment to stop unnecessary borrowing. It would also put together a plan to pay outstanding government debts within 25 years.

In 2014 the Reform Party will run members for local, state and federal office. Without people in office, these proposals will just be dreams. To turn these dreams into reality, the Reform Party needs your support.

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Monday, October 28, 2013

Layman's view of American Politics

I am a veteran and a patriot.  I believe in my county and the ideals which our forefathers established to protect and govern this nation.  This was not meant to be a stronghold for two political parties, it is a democracy by the people and for the people.

I am fed up.  Day after day, I see the mindless lemmings who have drunk the red or blue kool-aid.  They blindly follow the propaganda spewed out by either party and shamelessly support what ever power monger has the soapbox on that given day.  The insults and accusations coming from either side has soured my stomach and have spurred me to seek out alternatives.  

But what alternatives?  In Chicago, there are none, the burn-out weirdo hippies that  I see handing out Libertarian brochures, the grunge Socialists that seem to live on the East end of the North Side.  Not for me!  If there are any conservatives, they are either underground or way out in the exurbs.  If you are brave enough to come out as a conservative, you are branded a racist or hater.  Several years back, I was actually insulted and ostracized while standing in line to vote for a primary and declared as a Republican.  

I am absolutely sick and tired of being forced to select one side or the other.  Honestly, I do not believe in all of democrat platform nor do I believe in all of the Republican platform.  I believe in what is needed to get our country back on track.  There is a medium, stances from both parties that meet in the middle.  Why must it always be one way or the highway.....but watch out for those pot holes and toll booths.  

Both sides have veered off so far from their original platforms, on which they were founded.  They have become political extremes and the elected officials are far from comprehending what life is like as a typical American.  Once elected, they are fed by the spin doctors and publicists to make moves solely based on how it will affect they ability to get re-elected.  Not on what they feel is in the best interests of this nation or for the American people.  

Why do we, as Americans put up with this Hollywood Political system of popularity contests and beauty pageants.  It is absolutely ridiculous that We care more about what the first lady is wearing than on how the white house is responding to world or domestic events.  But the problem is that the laws which can change this are approved or disapproved by the same people they are meant to govern.  Do you honestly believe that Congress would vote to approve Congressional term limits?  That would be like you telling your company that you can only work for 4 years, then have to be let go.  Would you do that?  I doubt it.  The Senate is just as bad, even though they are onboard longer and I doubt they would vote that way as well.  

Would you pass any laws to limit your ability to finance your campaign?  I doubt it.  You want unfettered access to money, no matter who it comes from.  Even if it may influence your vote.  You know you have to scratch a few backs in appreciation, that isn't corruption or unethical.  Just how business is done, right?  

I am tired.  American mainstream media steering the masses of lemmings in what ever direction they feel is where they want to nation to go.  Thank God for news outlets like BBC, Al Jazeera and CSM.  I want to be able to process  information, clear information and facts from both sides to formulate my own opinions, not have pre-fabricated ideals force fed into my brain by a tube.  

I will not take the red pill, I will not take the blue pill, I will maintain a clear mind and weed through the lies, accusations, finger pointing and try to find the facts which I need to make my own opinions.  It is time that we wake up as a nation, undivided and tell the power brokers in Washington, that we have had enough!  We need to toss the virtual tea into the Potomac in a resounding demand for the ideals represented in the Constitution of the United States to be upheld and revered.  We are Americans, Do not tread on me!  

We are a nation of innovative, strong, free-thinking people that thrive in an individual environment and are even stronger when we come together to achieve a common goal.  We are not white or black, Asian or Hispanic, Democrat or Republican, Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, muslim or atheist.  We are Americans, we want to live our lives, raise our kids, work and play with out the threat of a government spying on us, limiting our freedoms and striving to brainwash us to believe one way or the other.  

In 1776 it was made clear to the British Empire that we did not want an oppressive, tax hungry, power governing our lives from afar.  Why should we accept that same thing from the body that was constituted to protect us from that very thing from happening?  Did we forget these words?  

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

I don't advocate taking up arms, but it is our right to remove those in office, whom we believe to be part of the problem.  How?  By voting, corresponding, being active in our political beliefs!  25% voter turn out is unconscionable.  Are we that tired that we can't even get out of bed to vote in the morning?

Wake up America!  Stop drinking the kool-aid and clear your mind!  Third parties are the answer to our problem.  We need to infuse new blood, fresh ideas and begin thinking outside of the Box!  Consider this as you commute to work and listen to the news on the radio or TV.  Dont listen to the words, listen to the subliminal messages infused in each story.  Look at the big picture and see how you are being herded.  Break from the pack, stand out and dare to be different!  Support a Third Party, I did and the Reform Party is My Party of Choice.  

Friday, July 26, 2013

Reform Party of National Commentary: Political Party Interest vs. Public Interest – Revised | Reform Party National Committee

The scandal and its context
San Diego democratic mayor Bob Filner has been the subject of sexual harassment innuendo that spans a number of years, including specific allegations that arose since he became San Diego’s mayor in December of 2012.[1] A respected former city council member and prominent San Diego citizen, Donna Fry, publicly accused the mayor of behavior that, if true, could amount to criminal assault and liability for civil damages.[2] Such behavior included publicly grouping one woman and separate instances of touching and crude comments toward others.

Read the story here:

Reform Party of National Commentary: Political Party Interest vs. Public Interest – Revised | Reform Party National Committee

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

I am an American

I am an American  - Bill Wojtas
In the earliest years of the twentieth century, all four of my grandparents emigrated here from Eastern Europe to escape the ravages of war, poverty and hunger.  To be honest, I can’t even say that they came from Poland, because in 1903, Poland as we know it didn’t exist.  My Father’s parents came from what was known as Galicia, which was controlled by the Austrian Empire and their entry documents indicate that they are Austrian.  My Mother’s side, from the Warsaw area was occupied by German Prussia.  In essence, my ancestors were so oppressed; they no longer had an identity or a country.  

They spoke Polish and came from cities, which at one time were part of the Kingdom of Poland, but by 1900, war was the dominating factor in Europe and the land of my Father’s Father was no more.  They had to leave and come to the one place where they could escape death, America.
I have no idea how my Mother’s parents got here, that secret died with my grandparents on her side.  He father died when she was a child and her mother died when I was a child.  I didn’t have the luxury of gaining this lost information from them and my mother, who passed as well, did so without giving to me that story.  My Father’s parents, who were older, came to America in their 20’s.  My grandfather, like many men, hopped a freighter to escape conscription into the Austrian army.  He came in to the USA undocumented at Ellis Island and settled in Chicago.  My Grandmother, with two children in tow, arrived at Ellis Island in 1903 aboard the Kaiser Wilhelm II with fifty dollars in her pocket.  

As with most foreign immigrants, your official name became whatever the agent at the island heard and my Grandmothers Maiden name was forever changed from Surma to Sulma.  Why she used her maiden name, Im not sure, but she did.  She was soon on her way to Chicago to re-unite with her husband and start their American Journey.  

So, both my parents were born here in the 1920’s and 30’s.  Yes, I come from an old family, so my world views as a 44 year old in the 21st century are heavily influenced by 19th century standards (my fathers’ parents were born in the 1880s).  

My Parents spoke Polish, but the stigma of being Polish in America during the Post WWII era was unpleasant.  Being a Stupid Pollack or “DP” was a common issue for those that still had a problem with the English language or had an accent.  Most of the 1st generation wanted to distance themselves as far from their Polish heritage as possible to better fit in to Anglo-American society.  It was so bad that my oldest uncle, born in 1900 in the “old country” and who had a polish accent was segregated from the rest of the family, until his death in the 1980s.  Not sure what the story was and why, but it was a fact, and the story was that he felt he was different, because he was the one “Polish” Brother in the family.  

The fact is, my parents immersed themselves in the Anglo-American culture and in essence became what society deems to be “American”.  This they passed on to me.  I was a typical American kid growing up in the 70s.  Until my dad passed.  The whole situation was strategically hidden from me and I’m not certain why.  I was 6 years old, and I can assume that was the reason, but I suppose I will never know.  Perhaps that was how they dealt with the issue of loss and childhood at the time.  In any case, my mom had re-married a man from South America, Colombia to be exact.  

To make things difficult, he had the appearance of a light skinned African American and my mom was a pure blonde Polish Barbie doll.  So growing up in Chicago during the 1970s was interesting.  From what I understand, both my Mother’s family and my father’s family were not too pleased and it had a negative impact on relations between my mother and the family.  My aunt (dad’s sister) did a good job shielding it from me and one of my mom’s half-brothers stayed close to us, so it wasn’t all bad.  

The good thing was that even though my step-dad embraced all things American, he still hung on to his culture and exposed me to it.  We soon moved to Southern Arizona in the early 80’s where I was one of about 5 “white” kids in my high school class.  But I wasn’t a cowboy, so I didn’t fit in with that crowd.  I found myself immersed in the rich and beautiful Mexican culture with my “adopted” brother and his family (they pretty much adopted me!).  

I grew up with a worldview of diversity and learned early on that racism is not something which will move this country forward and has no place in our society.  Growing up seeing the effects of an “interracial” marriage and being a part of the Hispanic culture gave me insight which shaped my decision making processes as an adult.  

One of the biggest eye openers was my time in the military, where I saw racism at its finest.  Segregation was the norm and tension was high.  I didn’t fit in with the whites, who were mostly all rednecks, and I can’t say that I fit in with the other groups because of obvious reasons.  I ended up being a loner, with a small group of guys in a similar situation, who for the most part, became life-long friends.  I wasn’t about to compromise my beliefs to fit in with any group.  I found my home and immersed myself in the Japanese culture, where I lived for several years.  I associated with other guys who did the same things to become what the guys in the military called “Okinawa Long-Timers”.  Once again, broadening my worldview and my ideals of diversity.  

Why am I telling you all this?  Because it gives you an idea of what shapes my opinions.  I grew up touched by diversity, I did not grow up in an Anglo-American vacuum.  I am an American, a wholesome single chunk of pure Polish ham dipped into a melting pot of diverse flavors. 
I am an American, I was born in Chicago.  Poland is a far off place, that I have yet to visit.  I don’t speak their language, I don’t know their culture and I love their food….but I also like Chinese food and Mexican food.   I have nothing to do with Poland, their politics or their way of life.  I am not Polish despite what genealogical records may dictate.  Yes, I have an obscure and totally unpronounceable surname and I am often asked what it is.  My answer is, “American”.  “No, no, but where is it from?”  “Chicago”, I say with a smile and receive a disapproving look.  “A typical good Chicago style Polish name” I give in return, “but I am an American”.  

I was born here, I served my nation in the military and as a civilian.  I love my country and will serve again in a heartbeat if ever asked.  My blood is red with swirls of white and blue, and for my Marine Brothers, flecks of gold.  I identify as an American, not a Polish American, not a white American and I am absolutely not an Anglo American.  My ancestors were busy being poor and oppressed in Eastern Europe during the time this country was forged, when colonists fought the Native Americans and when slavery existed.  My family is not responsible for those things and My people didn’t escape their own bonds of tyranny until the 1980s, "Solidarność"!  

So who are we?  We, meaning the people who live within the jurisdiction of the Constitution of the United States, are Americans.  If you are born here, if you were naturalized, if you live here illegally, but truly have the ideals of this great nation in your heart, you are Americans. (Immigration reform is not a topic here, so stop thinking it!  Different paper.)  It doesn’t matter where your grandparents were born or where your parents came from.  It doesn’t matter if you are black, brown, red, yellow, white or green.  If you hold these truths to be self-evident that ALL people are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, you are an American.  If you have picked up arms to defend those rights or are willing to do so against those enemies foreign or domestic, you are an American. 
We are not Catholics, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists or atheists.  We are not Democrat or Republican, Federalist, Libertarian, Reformist, Independent, Green, socialist, communist or anarchist, we are Americans first and foremost.  In the words of an early American, John Dickinson, “Then join hand in hand, brave Americans all! By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall!”.   “Let us trust God, and our better judgment to set us right hereafter. United we stand, divided we fall. Let us not split into factions which must destroy that union upon which our existence hangs. (Patrick Henry)”  These words ring so true today.  

We are so hell bent on defining ourselves as something other than just plain Americans.  We try to taxonomize ourselves into the smallest possible taxonomy.  I am a white male Catholic Polish Reformist American, really?  So me and my 100,000 other WMCPRA buddies can all hangout and feel cool….not.  As long as we try to make ourselves different from others in this nation, we will never succeed and move forward as a whole nation.  We will continue to bicker with each other on what is best for the few rather than the many.  We have taken our quest to be a nation of individuals to the extreme and it may eventually destroy us.  Being an individual is important and has led to many beautiful and creative inventions and inspirations as a nation, but sometimes we need to think about a society and what works best for the mass rather than to make the few or a single person content.  

You know where this is going, right?  Philosopher Jeremy Bentham, an 18th century theorist in Law wrote,  "It is the greatest good to the greatest number of people which is the measure of right and wrong."  These words are the basis of a more famous modern day quote used by Leonard Nimoy, “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.”  We the people, that is the key.  We the people, in order to form a more perfect union.  We are the people, of the United States.  WE, the key word!  

Who are we?  We are Americans, a single body of people living within the bounds of our nation, governed by the document which was written to preserve the foundations of our new system of belief.  That government is by the people and for the people. The people as a whole, the many, the masses who make up our great nation.  Not a hodge-podge individuals or a small but vocal special interest groups or any singular race, creed or interest or vocation.  The laws of our nation need to govern us as a people, an entire society and the most important thing to realize is the hard truth, that you cannot make everyone happy all of the time.  

Is the decision, rule or law for the good of society, to maintain good order and to provide for our nation as a whole?  If the answer is yes, is it morally right to question it because it isn’t in the best interests of White Male Catholic Polish Reformist Americans?  In my honest opinion, it isn’t.  If it is in the best interests of our society as a whole, it is morally right to accept it and adjust ourselves to live within the bounds of the rules which govern us.  

That ideal is fine, but what do you do if the nation is equally divided, down the center, fifty versus fifty percent (or close enough)?  I don’t have the answer to that, but it is important to consider that this would be a situation where we will need to master the art of compromise and come up with a solution that meets the basic needs of both sides.  Compromise is the key.  Divided we fall, remember that phrase?  Without compromise, our forward momentum stalls and we as a society, a nation as a whole will fall flat.  In my honest opinion we are seeing that very thing today.  

As I watch the news, world events, and those around me, I realize that our nation has stalled.  We are in the process of falling flat on our faces as a nation.  The world is passing by what was the greatest power since the Romans dominated Western Civilization.  Why? 

We are divided.  We cannot get along with each other within the confines of our own nation, how do you expect us to influence the world around us in a positive manner?  White versus Black, Christian versus Muslim, those of faith versus atheists, Americans versus illegal immigrants, democrats versus republicans, colonials versus Native Americans, the list can go on and on.  We are all fighting each other for a little plot of land on the map of a shrinking country.  It is all about ME!  What conveniences me is most important despite the negative impact it has on those around me.  I don’t care about any one else, just me.  In addition, it is never my fault, it is always due to the shortcomings of someone or something else that I am less than perfect.  It isn’t my responsibility.  This is the modern day creed of many in our culture, though we refuse to admit it.  We see it everywhere, while driving, standing in line in the store, in our courts, on the news, in our classrooms, offices and even in our churches.  Look around and admit it, you see it as well and no one is innocent of allowing even a little of that to influence our lives.  I personally have done a happy dance because I made everyone in the busy check-out line stand and wait 10 minutes so that I can save twenty five cents on something just to prove a point to a cashier who can care less.  I have personally not let that car merge in to traffic just because I WAS THERE FIRST!  I am not afraid to admit my transgressions.  It allows me to look deeper at myself and show me that I am not the only person in this country or on this world. 
As long as we see ourselves as individuals living purely for our own benefit and not as parts of a greater society which transcends the boundaries of states, tribes, creeds, or whatever label we can create, we will never succeed as a species and eventually end up creating our own demise simply because we just can’t get along with that which is different from ourselves.  We are Americans, but even greater we are all human and a part of a shrinking world of finite resources which we will eventually need to learn to share in order to survive as citizens of this world.  

The brotherhood of man; that is who we are and that is what we have forgotten. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Reform Party Communications Committee Announce Current Projects | Reform Party National Committee

 The Reform Party Communications Committee, led by Nicholas Hensley of North Carolina, became functional eight months ago, only weeks before the November presidential election. The Communications Committee is staffed with a number of marketing, public relations and political campaign professionals. This group is all volunteer, and most of its members are small business owners.

Reform Party Communications Committee Announce Current Projects | Reform Party National Committee

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Reform Party Actively Recruiting | Reform Party National Committee

The Reform Party is a national political party with affiliates in multiple states. During the last convention they were able to add four new state affiliates, and have organizers in several others working to build functioning party organizations.

Reform Party Actively Recruiting | Reform Party National Committee

Monday, April 29, 2013

Northbrook Police Warn Public Of “Ruse Burglars” « CBS Chicago

NORTHBROOK, Ill. (STMW) — Police in north suburban Northbrook are warning residents and business owners to be on the lookout for “ruse burglars,” since several homes in the village have been targeted in the last few weeks.

Northbrook Police Warn Public Of “Ruse Burglars” « CBS Chicago

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Reform Party is Building a Base of Small Donors

For Immediate Release – The Reform Party of the United States of America is a centrist party supported by small donors. In the 2012 presidential election it improved its vote total by ninety percent compared to the 2008 election, without funding from special interest groups or large donors.
 “All of our donations in recent years come from members and individual supporters. Ninety-nine percent of those donations are one hundred dollars or less. A few donors have given large donations in the form of in-kind or cash donations. In those few instances the donations are rarely more than five hundred dollars in value,” said Reform Party Chairman David Collision.

The Reform Party recently reorganized its fundraising committee. The committee is expected to setup and maintain fundraising infrastructure and events. It is chaired by Reform Party treasurer Bill Merrell.

“Most of the money we will raise will be reinvested in the form of fundraising efforts, so we can make necessary expenditures for the 2014 elections, and build a reserve fund,” said Nicholas Hensley of North Carolina, the South East Fundraising Chair.

Currently there are three primary ways of donating to the Reform Party. The first is by donating a lump sum through Paypal, the second by joining their monthly donors club through Acteva and the third is to send a check to their treasurer in New York. If you want to donate or find out more about the Reform Party, you can visit their website or email them at

Man Dies After Falling Down Stairs At Red Line Station

Sad news in the Local area.  Howard Street Station has some long and steep stairs, when the weather is bad, they aren't well cared for, particularly at night.  Plus, there are always unsavory types lurking about.  I hope he wasn't a victim of foul play. 

CBS Chicago story:

Man Dies After Falling Down Stairs At Red Line Station « CBS Chicago

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Aldermen Form Caucus To Push For Reform Agenda « CBS Chicago

CHICAGO (CBS) – Several members of the Chicago City Council said Tuesday they’ll be speaking out and pushing hard to reform City Hall, which could put them at odds with Mayor Rahm Emanuel and some of their colleagues.

Aldermen Form Caucus To Push For Reform Agenda « CBS Chicago

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Chicago Area Gas Prices Up Nearly 60 Cents A Gallon This Year « CBS Chicago

What are our local and state representatives doing to curb the rising prices of fuel?  Fuel is the basis of all commerce, as fuel rises, the price of everything else rises and the earned dollar buys less.

Oil companies continue to make record profits, receive subsidies from the Fed and lobby to suppress  alternative energy transport.  Where do you see opportunities for reform?


Gas prices continue to climb in the Chicago area with the highest prices ever for the start of the month of March, AAA reports.

Chicago Area Gas Prices Up Nearly 60 Cents A Gallon This Year « CBS Chicago

Monday, March 4, 2013

Redflex outlines bribe probe in Chicago contract -

Perfect reason we need Reform in all government, even at the local level:

1.  Awarding huge contract to an Australian company
2.  Bribery and wrong-doings in our own local government (in Chicago?  never!)


Hoffman and his team at Sidley Austin were hired by Redflex last year in the wake of Tribune reports on a 2010 internal company memo written by a former vice president who alleged the company hired a Chicago consultant as a way to transfer bribe money to John Bills, a top city transportation manager who oversaw the red-light program since it began in 2003.

Redflex outlines bribe probe in Chicago contract -

Friday, March 1, 2013

Activists Protest Deportations, As Immigrants Released Amid Budget Cuts « CBS Chicago

In west suburban Broadview, a weekly protest and prayer vigil outside the federal immigration detention center took on added significance Friday morning.

Activists Protest Deportations, As Immigrants Released Amid Budget Cuts « CBS Chicago

It seems that the safety and considerations of our citizens and legal resident is low on the list for the Administration:

... the Obama administration released hundreds of low-risk undocumented immigrants this week, ahead of the automatic federal budget cuts required by an obscure process known as sequestration.
The government did that because it said it could not afford to house the low-risk immigrants because of the looming cuts set to go into effect on Friday.

How is it that criminals can make demands?  Why is it that the Administration cuts loose criminals because they cant afford it?  Where does, "Promoting the general welfare" come in to play here?

Fix the core of the problem - Reform the Immigration Policy to make it less of a messy bureaucracy and more efficient for those who wish to become LEGAL  Immigrants.  Make the possibility of those who are already here ILLEGALLY, to become LEGAL a reality.  Policy needs to be established and streamlined to make it happen.  Revenue opportunity too!  Hey...put a charge on it to pay for the process so the LEGAL tax payers do not have to assume the burden.  Go figure!

Make it so that there is no longer an EXCUSE for those who continue to be here ILLEGALLY.  If after the process is reformed, those that are still here in an undocumented state, truly need to be removed from our sovereign soil and sent back to theirs, just like their country would have no problem in doing to us, if we did the same thing there. 

We are a nation of immigrants, but we are also a nation of laws and order.  Without laws, we have anarchy and that is not a preferable choice. 

Immigration Reform - A Document about the Undocumented – B. Wojtas - Centrists Rising - Centrists Rising

Immigration Reform - A Document about the Undocumented – B. Wojtas - Centrists Rising - Centrists Rising

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Lawmaker Wants City To Be Able To Boot Cars To Collect On Unpaid Debts

CBS NEWS Reports that An Illinois state senator wants to allow the city of Chicago to boot and sell cars belonging to people who owe the city money on a court judgment.

Read the Article here:

Since 2011, various local news agencies have reported that City and CTA employees owed the city coffers millions of dollars.  The city has aggressively gone after these scofflaws and have been making some headway.  

However, why would an Illinois State senator have any concern over city finances and collections?  Perhaps because Ira's wife is the 50th Ward Alderman?  maybe.....

Nepotism : favoritism (as in appointment to a job) based on kinship, Favoritism shown or patronage granted to relatives, as in business, favoritism shown to relatives or close friends by those with power or influence ....

Interesting ............ 

Im not against the idea,  But I am against the way this seems to be coming about.  Chicago Politics at its finest.  

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Another local Chain Downsizing means possible job loss

Leona's Property Courted by McDonald's, Dunkin' Donuts

ROGERS PARK — The building that houses Leona's Restaurant in Rogers Park is up for sale, but not anywhere near being sold or leased yet, the company's CEO said.

Read more:


It is sad to see another long time anchor business of the community go down.  Leona's has great food and yes, I am guilty of the delivery thing, I do order out (got to love grub-hub!) 

But the fact that long time companies feel the need to downsize signifies that the recovery is still a slow process and that with every job created, there will be a loss.

The 49th ward in Chicago is not immune.  We have seen a number of longtime businesses disappear and new projects (like the gateway center) not take off and stagnate.  The diverse nature of the ward makes it difficult to court any single demographic, depending where you are in the ward.  

I hope that we can keep the long time neighbor, Leona's, a part of Rogers Park.  But it takes the community to support it! - B. Wojtas

Monday, February 18, 2013

Felony Franks Owner Licenses LA Food Truck « CBS Chicago

Felony Franks Owner Licenses LA Food Truck « CBS Chicago

On the lighter side of job creation!  Chicago Style Dogs in LA!  Chicago and Evanston Alderman didnt want those 5 jobs in their district, so they took them to LA.  LA can use a good hot dog too!  yum!

Are O’Hare modernization talks ready for takeoff? -

Are O’Hare modernization talks ready for takeoff? -

Of course Job creation is always an aspect of the OMP.  Much of O'Hare and the surrounding area depend on the viability and  competitiveness of O'Hare and growth depends on modernizing the airport to change with the times, technologies and needs of the growing population on the west side of the airport. 

It is a good article from the Daily Herald, enjoy!

49th Ward Blue Cart Recycling

Community Meeting on Blue Cart Recycling Expansion to 49th Ward

Dear Neighbor,
The blue carts are coming to the 49th Ward!
Find out all you need to know about Blue Cart Recycling at a community meeting I am co-sponsoring with the City of Chicago Department of Streets and Sanitation.  The meeting will take place this Wednesday, February 20th, 7:00 p.m., at the Rogers Park Library, 6907 N. Clark (at Farwell), 2nd Floor.
We'll provide you with information about the program, including the type of material that can be recycled and your collection schedule.
I announced last week that after a long wait, the City's Blue Cart Recycling program is expanding to the 49th Ward.  Every 49th Ward household that currently receives City garbage pick-up will now participate in Blue Cart Recycling.  This means that if you live in a single family home or a two- to four-unit apartment building, your paper, bottles, cans and certain plastics will be picked up separately from your household garbage.
The City will begin dropping off the blue carts in front of homes next week and collections of recyclables will begin March 11th or March 18th, depending on the location in the ward.
For the program to succeed, it is very important to get the word out.  I am working with the City to identify volunteer "Recycling Block Captains" in the 49th Ward to help spread the word about the recycling program to their neighbors, answer questions, and provide feedback to my office and the City about how the program is working in their area.  The Block Captains will be provided materials to help promote the program, including yard signs and door hangers.
If you would like to volunteer to be a Recycling Block Captain in your area, please reply to this email or call my 49th Ward Service Office at 773-338-5796.
If you live in an apartment building larger than four units in size, your waste is collected by a private waste hauler and you are not eligible to participate in the Blue Cart program.  However, you should know that all rental and condominium buildings that receive private refuse collection are required by law to offer recycling to their residents
If your building does not offer recycling collection, please advise your landlord or condominium association of their obligation under the law.  If you still have trouble convincing your landlord or association to offer recycling, please contact my office at or 773-338-5796.
For those who do not receive recycling pick-up or who wish to bring their recyclables to a drop-off center, the 49th Ward Streets and Sanitation Yard at 6441 N. Ravenswood (behind the police station on Clark Street) will continue to provide large dumpsters into which you can drop off your recyclables at any time.
I'm thrilled the blue carts are coming to the 49th Ward and knowing our neighborhood's commitment to the environment and sustainability, I have no doubt we will have enjoy of the highest success rates in the City!
Joe Moore