Monday, October 28, 2013

Layman's view of American Politics

I am a veteran and a patriot.  I believe in my county and the ideals which our forefathers established to protect and govern this nation.  This was not meant to be a stronghold for two political parties, it is a democracy by the people and for the people.

I am fed up.  Day after day, I see the mindless lemmings who have drunk the red or blue kool-aid.  They blindly follow the propaganda spewed out by either party and shamelessly support what ever power monger has the soapbox on that given day.  The insults and accusations coming from either side has soured my stomach and have spurred me to seek out alternatives.  

But what alternatives?  In Chicago, there are none, the burn-out weirdo hippies that  I see handing out Libertarian brochures, the grunge Socialists that seem to live on the East end of the North Side.  Not for me!  If there are any conservatives, they are either underground or way out in the exurbs.  If you are brave enough to come out as a conservative, you are branded a racist or hater.  Several years back, I was actually insulted and ostracized while standing in line to vote for a primary and declared as a Republican.  

I am absolutely sick and tired of being forced to select one side or the other.  Honestly, I do not believe in all of democrat platform nor do I believe in all of the Republican platform.  I believe in what is needed to get our country back on track.  There is a medium, stances from both parties that meet in the middle.  Why must it always be one way or the highway.....but watch out for those pot holes and toll booths.  

Both sides have veered off so far from their original platforms, on which they were founded.  They have become political extremes and the elected officials are far from comprehending what life is like as a typical American.  Once elected, they are fed by the spin doctors and publicists to make moves solely based on how it will affect they ability to get re-elected.  Not on what they feel is in the best interests of this nation or for the American people.  

Why do we, as Americans put up with this Hollywood Political system of popularity contests and beauty pageants.  It is absolutely ridiculous that We care more about what the first lady is wearing than on how the white house is responding to world or domestic events.  But the problem is that the laws which can change this are approved or disapproved by the same people they are meant to govern.  Do you honestly believe that Congress would vote to approve Congressional term limits?  That would be like you telling your company that you can only work for 4 years, then have to be let go.  Would you do that?  I doubt it.  The Senate is just as bad, even though they are onboard longer and I doubt they would vote that way as well.  

Would you pass any laws to limit your ability to finance your campaign?  I doubt it.  You want unfettered access to money, no matter who it comes from.  Even if it may influence your vote.  You know you have to scratch a few backs in appreciation, that isn't corruption or unethical.  Just how business is done, right?  

I am tired.  American mainstream media steering the masses of lemmings in what ever direction they feel is where they want to nation to go.  Thank God for news outlets like BBC, Al Jazeera and CSM.  I want to be able to process  information, clear information and facts from both sides to formulate my own opinions, not have pre-fabricated ideals force fed into my brain by a tube.  

I will not take the red pill, I will not take the blue pill, I will maintain a clear mind and weed through the lies, accusations, finger pointing and try to find the facts which I need to make my own opinions.  It is time that we wake up as a nation, undivided and tell the power brokers in Washington, that we have had enough!  We need to toss the virtual tea into the Potomac in a resounding demand for the ideals represented in the Constitution of the United States to be upheld and revered.  We are Americans, Do not tread on me!  

We are a nation of innovative, strong, free-thinking people that thrive in an individual environment and are even stronger when we come together to achieve a common goal.  We are not white or black, Asian or Hispanic, Democrat or Republican, Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, muslim or atheist.  We are Americans, we want to live our lives, raise our kids, work and play with out the threat of a government spying on us, limiting our freedoms and striving to brainwash us to believe one way or the other.  

In 1776 it was made clear to the British Empire that we did not want an oppressive, tax hungry, power governing our lives from afar.  Why should we accept that same thing from the body that was constituted to protect us from that very thing from happening?  Did we forget these words?  

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

I don't advocate taking up arms, but it is our right to remove those in office, whom we believe to be part of the problem.  How?  By voting, corresponding, being active in our political beliefs!  25% voter turn out is unconscionable.  Are we that tired that we can't even get out of bed to vote in the morning?

Wake up America!  Stop drinking the kool-aid and clear your mind!  Third parties are the answer to our problem.  We need to infuse new blood, fresh ideas and begin thinking outside of the Box!  Consider this as you commute to work and listen to the news on the radio or TV.  Dont listen to the words, listen to the subliminal messages infused in each story.  Look at the big picture and see how you are being herded.  Break from the pack, stand out and dare to be different!  Support a Third Party, I did and the Reform Party is My Party of Choice.  

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